Monday, February 27, 2012

The Art of Going Solo

I changed my look.

It was time. It's almost been 9 whole months that I've been writing this outlet of Boy/Girl experiences, and I feel like The Baby needs a new crib.

My Solo Show is coming up in about a week and a half. I am petrified. Although my mom and I did a photo shoot together that involved 2 wedding veils, fake eyelashes, and a diamond ring and I am very happy with how the photos came out. The interesting thing about the solo show and the wedding photos is that all of it is based on my ex. Who is currently married. There was no fake wedding involved with that guy.

I've been wondering lately... is it possible to ever know that maybe someone is doing a tremendous amount of talking about you without you even being around them? If that's true then Hollywood actors would have to be really good at ignoring those feelings all the time...

But, in all seriousness. I'll talk about certain people until my face is red and I'm thinking of them and only them, and I wonder if they could ever really know. Do their ears tingle, like the old saying goes? Who knows... We all talk about each other at some point. Some in more capacity than others. It's just human nature. But, it would be some kind of super power to have the ability to know when someone is talking about you and in what kind of capacity. Although, I would not want that power. Yeesh.

I dedicate the Solo Show to myself. It's based on a dream I had once. It wasn't a terrible dream, but it wasn't pleasant. And it involved a marriage.

The Show is March 9th at the Magnet Theatre at 9pm.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Me: (Walking down 48th street, it's a bright, sunny Day. I'm covered in sweat from the gym, have wet laundry on my arm, I'm thinking about potential apartments I want to move in to...


Oh, he just walked past. He had nice eyes.)

Him: (From behind me) Stony Brook?

Me: (Turning around. Did he just call me or did I imagine that?)

Him: Did you go to Stony Brook?

Me: Yeah...

Him: Hey! I thought I recognized you! We worked at Staller together!

Me: (What the Fuck? I don't remember... oh wait. He does look familiar! And he's got really nice eyes!) Oh! Hey! That's riiiiight! Good to see you, youuuuu...

Him: I'm Serendipity! (Obviously not his name.)

Me: Hi Serendipity! I'm Natalie! You live in this neighborhood?

Him: Yeah, I live right here. (points to building right next to my building)

Me: Woah! I live right there!

Him: Really?

Me: How long have you been here?

Him: Year and a half.

Me: (!?!?!?!) Me too! (Why have I not seen a cutie like yourself before?!) Do you ever go to the cafe up the block?

Him: All the time!

Me: (well, the fates decided that I needed to meet you, and you decided to talk to me, and so:) We should go sometime and catch up! grab a coffee or something?

Him: Sure! Here's my number.

Me: (Could this be any sweeter?) Here's mine.

Him: Great! So I'll see you around! I'm off to go to work helping coach kids in Harlem and being generally a badass.

Me: Wow. Ok, See ya! Shoot me a text 'er something.

Him: Great! Bye!

Me: (turning around. I'm holding my breath so I don't laugh out loud. What are the odds that that should happen? I need a shower. And the best part is the next time I see him I can only look even better.)

What a week it's been.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2am: 5th Avenue, NYC.

I walked uptown after work. A bunch of co-workers were going out for a birthday and I was not in a celebratory mood, so I excused myself for a stroll. It was New York City, and more specifically, 5th avenue at 2am. I was on the phone with someone, talking animatedly and laughing loudly in the echoing, empty streets.

...Wait. I was on the phone with someone at 2am on a Friday night? I excused myself from going out and partying so I could walk uptown in the middle of the night and talk on the phone? Huh.

I found myself at the New York Public Library's branch at Byrant Park and sat on the steps for a while. The conversation was still going. The Lions at the entrance to the Library seemed to be the only ones listening, as the streets were empty. My phone date commented about how romantic the moment was... Yeah, I thought so, too: Sitting on the steps of the NYPL at 2am in NYC is pretty damn romantic. This doesn't happen very often. The number of times I have had conversations that have stretched on for more than a hour have (thankfully) been somewhat plentiful in my life, but when they happen they're a beautiful thing, and I think it says a lot about the person on the other end of the phone. And, generally, when those long satisfying conversations occur I tend to want more of them, and this guy is really, really good at having them with me.

So, this guy... on the phone... likes me. A lot. And, I think I like him too.... So. Soooooo. Now what? Now, that it's almost 1pm the next day, I am looking at bus tickets and I am looking like I am leaving New York to go visit this guy, who lives in Philadelphia. And I think we'll have even more conversations.

I'm feeling somewhat wary. Especially after Dominos. I want to measure my moves with more weight. I want to be cautious about not getting burned, or burnt out.

But, I am a glutton for adventure and I'll give Philadelphia a try.

I leave on Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


When I clicked the "Book Now" button on the bottom right of the screen I waited for the Earth to shake. I had just purchased two tickets to Thailand. Where was the earth shattering moment of "-Hold the Phone- Natalie Bought a one month ticket to another world!" Traffic stops, people hold their breath as the sweeping news travels by some magic from door to door. Big News! Big Doin's!

I looked out the window of my living room and the world looked the same. The trees swayed like they normally do, the sky was still dark, the traffic still droned on... yet, I felt like I had walked into another dimension. I'm going to Thailand. For a month. May 24-June 22nd. G'bye America, Hello World!

The interesting thing about this whole trip is planning it out. Having never been to Thailand (and, really the closest I have ever been was India) I feel I am at the mercy of the advice I can gather from other travelers. Hopefully I can hook up with some friends of friends and get an insider to show me and my sister around Bangkok. I want some good advice as to the best way of getting to Chang Mai and where the best hiking can be done. We'll be there for four weeks, which hopefully can give us plenty of time to go to the beach and temples and cities and rural villages and just explore.

Oh, Joy. I feel so joyful. I can't believe I'm making this happen for myself. Living the Roaring 20's to the extreme!!