Monday, March 19, 2012

The Boyfriend

Some quick highlights:
#1: Beautiful day. Walking. MoMa in Queens. Wow. You're cute. See you soon.
#2: Yes, Let's get wine. Talk Talk Talk. Mmmmm....
#3: Hi. Makeout. Talk. Makeout. Talk. Walk. Makeout.
#4: Meet my Sister. Talk Talk Talk. Wow.
#5: Are we dating? Cause this is outstanding.
#6: I'm gonna leave my tooth brush here.
#7: Yes. I'll be your Girlfriend. Yes.

Ok, so it might have happened with slightly more time details and more bullet points, but I've leapt head long into a relationship with Serendipity.

The amazing part of this relationship is calling it one. I couldn't believe how much of a bold statement I was making when I announced that I had a boyfriend. Even saying that I have a boyfriend seems so, high school? I'm so used to being single and dating occasionally that it was quite the shock to have a guy in my life that I am making future plans with. "You mean: We might be dating in another two weeks? I won't not see you again?"

Plus, Serendipity and I met on the streets of New York. I was hustling and he was bustling and yet, in the stream of on going movement, we had locked eyes and struck up a conversation that eventually lead to all of the events leading up to me in my kitchen writing this blog post. Serendipity is not on Facebook, doesn't text a whole lot, and doesn't keep a blog, but I met him the "Old Fashioned way".

I'll have more to report once my brain stops reeling from this relationship I've jumped into head first.